Redth's Addins 1.0.6 Update

I'm a big fan of the Redth's Addins extension for Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio. Specifically, I love the Obliterate menu option it adds to the IDE context menu. Creator, Jonathan Dick, makes some cool stuff. Check out his GitHub sometime.

However, the Obliterate command has had a bug in Visual Studio for Mac for a little while. Basically, you try to run the command and the IDE would hang or read "Obliterating Output Paths" forever.

If you already use his extension, you many have noticed that an update was available when you launched Visual Studio today.

But after clicking Restart and Install Update, an error popped up.

No worries!

Simply head over to the Visual Studio > Extensions menu.

Find the Redth's Addins extension, and update it from here.

Everything should work fine. When you're done, Obliterate works like a champ again!


Some of these screenshots are from my co-worker Ryan. Thanks for posting them.